Sabado, Hulyo 30, 2011

Importance of Earth's hydrosphere

     As far as we know , the earth we live on is the only planet that is able to support life. among other factors, earth is just the right distance from the sun to have temperatures that are suitable for life to exist. also, the earth's atmosphere has exactly the right type of gases in the right amounts for life to survive. Our planet also has water on its surface, which is something very unique. in fact,earth is often called the''BLUE PLANET'' because most of it is covered in water. this water is made up fresh water in rivers and lakes, the saltwater of the oceans and the estuaries,groundwater and water vapor. together,all these water bodies are called HYDROSPHERE.

     It is important to realize that the hydrosphere interacts with other global system, including the atmosphere, lithosphere and biosphere.

    * ATMOSPHERE when is heated,it evaporates and forms water vapor.when water vapor cools again,it condenses to form liquid water which eventually returns to the surface by precipitation rain or snow.

    *LITHOSPHERE in the lithosphere( the ocean and continental crust at the earth's surface), water is an important weathering agent , which means that it helps to break rock down into fragments and then soil, these fragments may be transported by water to another place , where they are deposited. this is called''EROSION

    *BIOSPHERE in the biosphere, land plants absorb water through their roots and then transport this through their vascular system to stems and leaves. this water is needed in photosynthesis.

      it is so easy sometimes to take our hydrosphere for granted and we seldom take the time to really think about the role that is part of the planet plays in keeping us alive.these are the some importance of hydrosphere as what i understand about hydrosphere...

  WATER IS A PART OF LIVING CELLS that each cells are living organisms is made up almost 75% of water and this allow the cells to function normally. and most of the chemical reactions are occur in life,
  WATER PROVIDES A HABITAT. the hydrosphere provides an important place for many animals and plants to live.
  REGULATING CLIMATES one of water's unique characteristic is its high specific heat. this means that water takes a long time to to heat up and also a long time to cool down. this is important in helping to regulate temperatures on earth so that they stay within a range that is acceptable for life exist.
  HUMAN NEEDS humans use water in a number ways. drinking water is obviously very important, but water is also used domestically in washing and cleaning and in industry also. water can also be used to generate electricity through hydro power.

 these are just a few of the very important functions that water plays in our planet. many of the functions of water relate to its chemistry and to the way in which it is able to dissolve substance in it.. and the earth's hydrosphere is important to us.

Lunes, Hulyo 4, 2011

differences of technology

                In our modern world today many things are been develop or grown like our technology. Technology can be use anywhere like in our home,school even in workplaces. The advantage of technology is it help us to organize our daily activities and in workplaces also technology is the best way because it can help us to do our work faster and easy to communicate other people like our friends,relatives especially our family that work in far places or country's technology is the simple way of communicating your family and it can help us to understand other culture and society better so that we can be updated what happen to our community even in other country's especially in our surroundings and technology makes our life simple. 
               On the other hand the disadvantage of technology is it can also be damaging to us depending on the circumstances and also technology can be manipulated by many irresponsible person we'll be to dependant on it,when technology fails were helpless in ( one way or another ) like when we are doing assignments and research papers ..and sometimes it can affect our health and lifestyle because of so much chemical  are hazardous and some of it can destroy our simple life and healthy life ( i miss the traditional living ) because in our world in the past no one manipulate your technology of the irresponsible person... most and worst of all it invasions your privacy because of  many lazy person .. thats the dis advantages of technology ..though technology can make our life simple but sometimes it destroy our simple life those people who manipulating the technology in worst way... technology makes our life more complex and more people are starving in total numbers , in this most technologically advanced age, even the kids are already know how to use technology such as computers ..and some of the child are have already sickness like the obesity of a kid and loss of personalities.


Sabado, Hulyo 2, 2011

differences of technology

In our modern world today many things are been develop or grown like our technology . technology can be use anywhere like in our home,school even in workplaces. the advantage of technology is it help us to organize our daily activities and in workplaces also technology is the best way because it can help us to do our work faster and easy to communicate other people like our friends,relatives especially our family that work in far places or country's technology is the simple way of communicating your family and it can help us to understand other culture and society better so that we can be updated what happen to our community even in other country's especially in our surroundings and technology makes our life simpler .and on the other hand the disadvantage of technology is it can also be damaging to us depending on the circumstances and also technology can be manipulated by many irresponsible person we'll be to dependant on it. when technology fails were helpless in ( one way or another ) like when we are doing assignments and research papers ..and sometimes it can affect our health and lifestyle because of so much chemical  are hazardous and some of it. it can destroy our simple life and healthy life ( i miss the traditional living ) because in our world in the past no one manipulate your technology of the irresponsible person... most and worst of all it invasions your privacy because of  many lazy person .. thats the dis advantages of technology ..though technology can make our life simple but sometimes it destroy our simple life those people who manipulating the technology in worst way... technology makes our life more complex and more people are starving in total numbers , in this most technologically advanced age, even the kids are already know how to use technology such as computers ..and some of the child are have already sickness like the obesity of a kid and loss of personalities..

  jeralelabra ( 04:00-05:30)
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